Propolis for Sinus Infections - The Science We Know Right Now

Bees are incredible creatures, and they play an important role in the entire ecosystem. You’ve probably consumed honey, which is healthy, but have you ever heard about propolis?

Propolis is another component made by bees, and it can come in handy when dealing with various health conditions. Can you use propolis to treat a sinus infection? That is what we are trying to discover in this article.

What You Should Know About Propolis

If we are going to discuss the term, it means “suburb.” Propolis is a word coming to us from the Greek language. As for the compound itself, bees use it when defending and expanding their hives.

Propolis is a combination of beeswax and sap, and its task is to play a role in constructing and keeping beehives safe. Humans can also use it for protection, but for protecting their health rather than their home.

You will recognize propolis since it usually has a dark brown color, although it can also be light brown and green. Its main characteristic is that it has a sweet smell. The exact structure will depend on the honeybees that made it and the geographical location.

Bees use plant parts they find nearby when constructing propolis. Although there are variations depending on that factor, propolis usually has the following structure:

  • Beeswax
  • Resins
  • Pollen
  • Essential oils (depending on the location, it could be thyme, basil, etc.)
  • Vitamin C, E, and B, as well as sugars and acids

What Are the Benefits of Propolis?

Propolis has been the subject of scientific research for decades. As people discover new propolis types and analyze it further, they discover more potential benefits of this compound.

Here is a list that gathers the potential positive effects of using propolis:

  • It assists in fighting viruses and bacteria by preventing their spread and growth.
  • Propolis can also be beneficial in fighting fungal and yeast-caused infections.
  • It might help in lowering elevated blood pressure.
  • Propolis helps It boosts oral and tooth health by assisting in killing bacteria in an around the gums and mouth.

When it comes to sinus infections, the good news is that propolis is among the components that can help in fighting it. According to the expert, propolis can prevent the occurrence and spread of viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.

You can apply propolis directly on the skin, or use it orally. As for sinusitis, many prefer to use propolis found in capsule supplements. That allows combining this ingredient with other useful compounds to achieve a better effect. The recommended dose of propolis is at least 50 milligrams per day.

It is worth noting that propolis also has antioxidant properties, which add to the existing anti-viral and anti-bacterial characteristics. The important thing to mention that the only side effect is a potential allergic reaction if you have an allergy to bee-made products. Apart from that, propolis is perfectly safe and non-toxic.

What Does the Science Say About Propolis for Sinus Infections?

In 2008, a study was organized in Nigeria with the goal of analyzing the effect of propolis extract on upper respiratory tract infections. [1] The idea was to observe the reactions of patients from 15 to 30 years old who received propolis extract.

The authors concluded that propolis has a strong antimicrobial activity. That is why it can assist in treating sinus infections that were caused by bacteria. The findings indicate that propolis can be an important addition to the treatment and assist in making the recovery process shorter and more efficient.

Another research whose results were published in 2015 indicates that propolis can act as a carrier to deliver other topical drugs. [2] That can be helpful in cases of sinusitis, and the explanation is that propolis can be used as a lipid material when preparing SLNs - solid lipid nanoparticles.

The bioactive characteristics of that SLN can serve as a delivery system from flavonoids and other drugs, which can help treat local nasal health conditions.

A study performed in 2016 and published in the International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology discussed injured nasal mucosa in animals and whether propolis can help heal that condition. [3] The research involved 18 rats divided into three different groups – the first one received propolis, the second a suspending propolis agent called tragacanth, and the third was the control group.

According to the results, the researchers noticed that the inflammation was not as severe if participants received propolis. Those rats had a lower loss of ciliated and goblet cells, which means that propolis also helped with the healing of the wounds caused by the nasal mucosa.

Does Propolis Work Better When Combined with Other Ingredients?

A study conducted in 2004 focused on the effect of a herbal mixture containing propolis on respiratory tract infections in kids. [4] The trial involved a total of 430 children aged from one to five. They received either a placebo or a herbal mixture containing propolis, echinacea, and vitamin C.

The results indicated that propolis could function well in collaboration with echinacea and other ingredients. According to the authors, some signs of infection reduction was noticed in children receiving the mixture. The number of days with fever and the number of episodes was also lower than in the group who received a placebo. It is even more important to mention that the children tolerated the mixture well, and any adverse reactions were both mild and rare.

Elderberry Gummies designed by Essntlwellness include the combination of the ingredients mentioned above. A single dose contains propolis extract, echinacea extract, and vitamin C in generous quantities. The gummy also includes Sambucus Nigra extract and remains at a low-calorie level per serving. 

The product aims to improve your immunity and is loaded with antioxidants. You can use it to assist in treating sinus infection since it is helpful in taming inflammation.

Propolis can help to manage the infection, but also assist in preventing it. That is why you should consider including it in your daily nutrition. This ingredient can be an integral component of maintaining an optimal immune system. It is completely natural, which is why people resort to it when dealing with sinusitis and similar problems.



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